recently finished...

Recently finished Fine Art Nudes - Acrylic/Oil on Paper...

In recent years, many of my paintings are based on "sketches" which I develop on my computer.  I use an opensource image software, GIMP, which I find to produce good results. Here is a recently finished acrylic/oil on paper; the computer-developed sketch and painting underway can be found in a previous post.

Female Nude Standing, with Cats

Fine Art Female Nude Standing, with Cats
Female Nude Standing, with Cats

Another just finished... Tasha, Reclining...

Tasha, Female Nude, Reclining

Female Nude, Reclining - Acrylic/Oil on Paper
Tasha, Female Nude, Reclining - Acrylic/Oil on Paper

You can see larges images and order prints at fineartamerica:
I am also redoing/updating some of my own sites:

(This blog will be only fine art nude paintings, sketches, ... No photography, no fakery.)